I came upon Seth Godin’s latest blog posting through following him on Twitter earlier today, the posting was titled "Put On A Show". – and serves up one of the best metaphor’s on why certain businesses work like crazy while others...
When you are launching your online business, trying to figure out the in’s and out’s of internet marketing and deciding which of the overwhelming strategies and tactics to put in place first, social networks tend not to be in your top 3 (and probably not...
Hi folks…there’s a ton of relationship building, insider’s information and marketing going on over at Twitter these days, and if you are not involved, you are missing out. Twitter is a real-time social network tool that allows you to follow and...
So we’re supposed to be in the era of content generation – where your best shot at getting mass traffic to your site is to generate valuable and useful relevant content targeted at your niche market. But once you go about trying to put together an...
In the age of Web2.0, social networking with Myspace, Facebook, Digg, StumbleUpon, YouTube and all of the other social networking sites that can be used to drive traffic and build relationships with your prospects, can we still live by the notion that the money is in...
The reasons for starting your own blog are many…but often include: Generating traffic to your online websites and internet businesses Building a brand and positioning yourself our your business within your industry Starting a buzz…viral marketing An...