We all want there to be a magic tool that will fool the search engines, persuade our customers to visit our website, mystically convince our internet website visitors to buy our products and katapult us above our competition with the snap of a finger… New...
It’s the age-old story, when someone’s sales are suffering the automatic assumption is that I’m not getting enough people to see my product. On the internet, that means traffic…so the assumption is that if I am getting 100 people to visit my...
No matter how rational or logical your market may appear from the outside, underneath it all a deep, bubbling sea of emotions are responsible for buying decisions. Working with 1000’s of writers, entrepreneurs and info product marketers over the last few years...
The idea of charging a few pennies or dollars to access content or a service is not new, after all – we have iTunes, Google announcements about charging small amounts for accessing certain content and a great deal of talk by the newspaper and magazine industry...