Flipping The Switch – Online Business Turnaround

It doesn’t matter who I meet these days…a brand-spanking new beginner to online marketing or a veteran 7-figure marketing goo-roo…they all want to get better results, more sales and get things really rolling in their online business. What fascinates...

What To Do When Your Ebook Sales Go Down?

We have helped many people through our Information Publishing & Marketing Training Site on how to diagnoze the problem when your ebook sales go down and how to revitalize your sales to even higher profits than you may have had in the past. Many people today wonder...

Putting Yourself Out There…

As a result of being a successful writer and information product marketer we tend to get asked many questions, a number of them have to do with the benefits or positives of writing your own book, ebook, home study course or other information-based product. First, let...

What’s Next?

If you are not asking this question in terms of the market you serve each day then you are already falling behind.  Business used to move at a speed where copying someone else’s success model (product, marketing technique or business model) was enough to buy...

Simple Method For Making $1,000/month Online

I still remember 10-years ago…my personal breakthrough…when I figured out that answering questions, providing help to people via information products (ebooks, reports, webinars, coaching, etc…) could be targeted directly at people online who would...

How “Niche” Should You Go?

I was working with a client inside InfoMarketer’sZone this week on refining their information product positioning and marketing campaign…we worked a good deal on how targeted we wanted to get with our prospects. As you may be aware, a good portion of...