Everyone should own an online course that earns $150+ per day. Just one sale a day brings you $4500/month…and that’s just to start. The problem? Most people don’t know how to build one. Here are 6 steps that might help you get started. 1. Choose a...
When it comes to creating and marketing products and services or developing content to attract leads and buyers…it’s CRITICAL that you target human emotionally-charged motives and instincts. All human desire is based on attempting to move closer to these...
99% of people FAIL to realize their goals because of this ONE thing… They are Consumers instead of Creators. The 1% (or less actually) who spend more time creating content win…here’s exactly WHY and how you can change: Consumption Eats Valuable Time People...
When you entrepreneurs ask me if they can make it despite severe shyness…answer is hell YA! I’ve worked with highly introverted entrepreneurs who are killing it. Here’s WHY! 1. Strong Passion Introverted or shy people are manically passionate about a few...
Your time is one of the MOST valuable things in life. You spend time on… ? Yourself (Physical & Mental Health, Growth, Relaxation, Recreation, Sleep, etc…)? Your Relationships? Making Money? Planning Your Future? Society – Helping Those Around You You have a...
The biggest challenge in getting your E-book, online course or coaching program launched is the perceived Risk To Reward ratio…for most, the risks outweigh the rewards. For exmaple: Risks: Time, sacrifice, disappointment (of no sales), learning howRewards:...