Here’s an author profile of woman who never thought she would write a book, but realized she had a book idea (with the help of her father) and finally was motivated by developing a story around the real-life experience of having a hearing impaired son.Her new...
When you consider a book, ebook or information product publishing business topic, you like to target a growing market rather than a declining one. Certainly, the rate of population approaching retirement will continue to grow for many years to come. So,...
Outside of the question "what should I write about", this has to be one of the most asked questions we get over at InfoMarketer’s Zone these days, the real concern is that others are NOT asking this question and are instead jumping into their own book...
Market research may sound like a term used by the Fortune 1000 corporate types who spend gobs and gobs of money spying on their competition and greasing the palms of financial and market analysts to tell them what they want to hear (a very incestous relationship by...
This one is particularly aimed at all of us clueless Dad’s out there that flounder around trying to raise our children so they have the benefit of NOT making many of the mistakes we made when we were young. We don’t talk about parenting all that much, but...
I bet you didn’t know there were two great ways to use Yahoo Answers that can help you put more money in your pocket with an online business? Using Yahoo Answers for Content Development Using the "Advanced Search" option over at Yahoo Answers lets you...