A question that comes up with almost every coaching client, Information Marketer’s Zone member, and many subscribers who have emailed me is the question of whether or not to target a market that already has strong competition for ebooks, books or other...
What does it take to get yourself noticed on the rapidly growing video hosting services such as YouTube or Google Video? Don’t dismiss this medium, I have videos on YouTube that have achieved several hundred views in the first few days – and am noticing...
We talk allot about the financial opportunities in front of us as aspiring online marketers and information product publishers, the leverage and security we get from releasing ebooks, courses, workshops, seminars and other “How To” products is very...
He’s got one of the most popular and interesting blogs on the internet – in fact, if you asked me to give an example of an effective blog in this still young technology, my list would include Seth’s blog. In a recent posting titled “Do Business...
When you consider writing your own ebook, report or other information product, chances are you try and stay away from topics that already seem higly competitive right? In other words, if you are considering personal development, you know there are already dozens of...
Sitting down and writing a 100-page ebook takes time. Depending on how well you know your topic and your ability to translate the conversation in your head into words, this could be several days or several weeks. Certainly, writing an ebook is an incredibly good...