Here’s How To Master Storytelling To Get 3X More Sales

All great marketing involves storytelling Happily, I grew up in a family half Irish…with the various Kitchen parties and huge social gatherings I was STEEPED in story telling from a very early age. Even still, it’s not something that came naturally to me, so in... Here’s How To Master Storytelling To Get 3X More Sales

Getting Attention And Making Sales Online

One of the most crucial missing links to getting attention, attracting engagement and convincing visitors to take action and buying something from you is to know and intercept the thoughts going on in your prospect’s mind. Can you relate to any of these... Getting Attention And Making Sales Online

Writing Sales Letters That Sell

No matter where you are today, you can become much better at writing sales letters, landing pages, squeeze pages, ads and resource boxes that get attention and get your prospects to buy from you. That’s what it’s all about – right? You can have the...

Improve Your Sales Letters By Doing This…

Have you got a sales letter that just doesn’t seem to convert?  Maybe you are right in the middle of trying to write your own sales letter and just a few minutes away from pulling the last hair out of your head? I talked with one of our InfoMarketer’sZone...

Best Book Titles That Sell

I will be interviewed tomorrow morning for a training session being conducted by Radio Show host Raven Blair Davis on the topic if creating compelling titles for your information products and headlines for your websites and copy that sells. Some of the tips I will be...

Copywriting That Ropes Readers In Everytime

To be effective in either direct mail marketing or online marketing you must be able to attract readers to your content and rope them into your web of information, content before there is ever the chance that they will take action resulting in your business earning...