not sure ebook topicEach week I get dozens of requets from subscribers who want to write an ebook, produce a book or take a topic they have and turn it into a high-end training course, home-study program or other info product.

They want to know – “Should I write about Topic X or Y”?

Typically the request starts with an idea for a topic, where the person is passionately interested in their topic, has experience with their topic or just has a hunch that they would like to write an ebook about “X”.

I often can’t get to everyone who emails me, but the ones that I can get to, the very first place to start is with this lesson “successful info products combine passion and knowledge of the producer with a highly proven demand for information.”

The entire set of processes, tutorial, tools and private mentoring that goes on within InfoMarketer’sZone is organized around how you can uncover evidence of markets and topics where information is most desired, then quickly turning those opportunities into a rapidly scaling, highly profitable info product marketing business.

So, if someone came to me with a passion about writing an ebook about building dog houses, I’m going to put the fact that they are passionate about their subject on the back-burner for a few hours and really dig into the topic to see if there is 1) Demand for information on building dog houses 2) Proof that there are already a number of successful products selling information on building dog houses and 3) A clear channel to reach the market – could be ezines, forums, offline advertising in magazines, a healthy pay-per-click advertising environment, blogs and websites that cater to the market you would be targeting witht this product.

For many people who are deeply passionate about their topic, they find it difficult to look objectively at a market.

That’s normal…I’ve made mistakes too…I have entered markets where I had no indication that a product would succeed – thinking I would “out-guess” the market, struggle for months until you finally realize that this isn’t working. 

Becoming an info product publisher is a very simple business with a few important rules you must follow…

  1. You must have evidence of a demand for information that will lead to an emotion-based outcome
  2. You must have evidence of buying activity already taking place within your niche market – to write an ebook about a topic where you are the very first covering that topic is the quickest, most certain path to failure
  3. You must have clear evidence that there is a channel to have your message heard.   If you want to become an ebook writer on the topic of building dog houses, I would want to see CLEAR evidence that there are discussion forums where the exact topic of building dog houses is being discussed. 

The good news is that if you follow these rules, you can make a lot of money producing info products and marketing information online.

What happens if you can’t match your passion with the 3 criteria above?

All is not lost, try matching the passion you have for that area with other topics.

For example, instead of writing an ebook about building dog houses, perhaps there is much more demand and evidence of buying activity occurring for a topic like “how to build a deck” or “how to build a sunroom”, etc…where you can apply your passion for teaching building methods to a slightly different desire. 

In 90% of the cases where someone comes to us to write an ebook about Topic “X” and it doesn’t appear to be a strong market given the criteria outlined above, we can tweak the topic somewhat, stay to the person’s interest and find a market with much greater potential for their ebook or info product. 

As the members of this Info Product Marketer’s Resource Site will tell you, there is always a way to match a passion with a market that holds great potential – it is worth the time.  If your desire is to write an ebook that sells like wildfire, then apply the 3 criteria for finding hot topics and you will be rewarded.