After 15-years of putting together ebooks, books, information reports, seminars and training programs and 7-years after putting together the first information product for my online business, you can be assured that there is no better use of your valuable time than packaging information people badly want into your own info products business.
There are a variety of ways to make money online, but only info product creation and information marketing has built-in leverage in 3 extremely important ways:
- You work once and make money online for years…once you create your information products, they continue to sell with very little additional effort
- You can leverage ownership in your product for quickly growing a massive army of distributors and partners. By giving away 40% of your profit (you still keep close to 60%), you can grow hundreds (even thousands) of well-placed authority figures in your marketplace selling a giant volume of your info products.
- Having your own information product will instantly improve your popularity, publicity and earning potential by leveraging the branding impact of “expert” status bestowed on those with their own top selling info products.
More and more people are getting it – that you can be a complete beginner having no experience writing, with marketing online or even have any particular expertise in a certain topic – and still put together a top selling information product that dominates your niche market.Â
The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package outlines a complete system that helps take any beginner or seasoned entrepreneur through a step-by-step process for turning your own business into an information machine with automated streams of primary of secondary income.Â
Here are the 3 market strategy steps involved with building your own information product marketing empire…
First Step – Market Research, Finding In-Demand Topics
It’s the most critical step in your quest to build a 6 to 7-figure web marketing business based on information marketing, you must become good at uncovering passionate desire to be, do, see, go, experience or transform into something they are not today.Â
Here’s a powerful information marketing tip – remember this and you will never have to worry about your financial security again…
“Your role as an info product marketing entrepreneur is to become a dream broker…that is, someone who packages information that will help your audience achieve their most desired outcomes in their lives.”Â
Think about it…when someone signs up to a new training program (a public speaking course, a yoga class, a fitness program, guitar lessons…you name it) or when they enter the bookstore looking for a particular type of non-fiction book, what is the conversation that is going on inside of their head?
Isn’t it…”I want to get a promotion so I need to improve my public speaking” or “I want to be beautiful, more attractive so I’ve signed up to a yoga or fitness class” or “I want to be a rock star and live the rock-star lifestyle, so I’ve signed up for guitar lessons”.
It doesn’t matter IF these desires are actually attainable…the important point from an info product marketing point of view is that they HAVE these desires, that they are STRONG and that they will spend BIG money on any system, training, process, formula or information that can help them achieve their goals.Â
We give you 40 different techniques to uncover “hidden” niche markets and topic opportunties within our Info Product Wealth Training Program for a reason — because IF you get this step right, the path to building your information products empire is well within reach.
Second Step – Branding Through Your Own ‘System’
Make no doubt, if you do a good job with #1 – finding hot niche markets and uncovering the underlying desires of your audience – you will make money online.Â
However, a way to really turn your money-making web marketing business into a full-blown empire is to package information into your own ‘system’, ‘formula’, ‘method’ and so on…
We’re talking now about how you utilize the principles of branding to turn information into constructs with a very high perceived value.Â
For instance, you may have discovered an underlying desire to improve one’s attractiveness to the opposite sex through certain body language techniques – you could choose to write an ebook outlining your techniques and sell it for $27 OR you can put together a multi-media training system combining a series of lessons with some examples and sell that for $197 or you can create a monthly coaching program that will sell for $597, and so on…
How you package your information will ultimately dictate how wealthy you get with your information product publishing business.Â
Third Step – Build a Business, Not A Sweatshop
Once you have your niche market selected, a good understanding of your profit potential, the underlying desires and what motivates your market to buy AND you have structured your info products into training systems instead of general information outlines…you are ready to really blow the socks off this internet marketing opportunity.Â
Everyone has strengths – some skills and interests that make them better suited to performing specific functions in a business much more efficiently and effectively than others.Â
Some people are better suited to relationship building, networking and growing leverage within their business through tapping into the authority, trust and credibility of others…that’s a valuable skill, but not everyone has it.
Others may be visionaries, they can see two or three steps ahead in their business, but ask them to actually get something specific done, and it will drag on forever.
Then there are detailed people who are extremely good at one task or another – perhaps product development – but struggle with the marketing aspect of their business.Â
To grow your information marketing business to the high 6-figure and into 7-figure territory, you must step back and know your own strengths – what are you good at? What can you do faster, better with imroved results over most others that you have seen? Â
Then, just as important, what are the things you struggle with, that you are not so great at, that takes you longer than most others and that you really have no interest in getting better at?
Trust me, once you GET YOURSELF OUT OF THE WAY of the tasks and roles in your business where you are NOT a strength, and focus on the areas where you ARE a strength, your business will boom.Â
So, the final step is one of marketing management – where you learn to set your business up for maximum success – having done that your information product business will grow massively into the future.Â
Share your questions, experiences or thoughts about information product marketing and publishing by leaving us a comment, we’ll post our responses and help build on your interest in the coming days.Â
Also – right now we are offering a free 30-day exclusive private membership to the #1 information marketing resource site on the web (Information Marketer’sZone) with our Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package – these are going fast, we’ll only be offering this for a very limited time as we limit our membership to preserve it’s quality and 1:1 support.Â