Book writers have it made don’t they?  They can work from home or pretty much any place they wish, they can work the hours that best fit their quirky creative energy, they get to see their name on the front of their book or ebook and they get the fame and fortune that goes along with being a top-earning author.

The reality is, for a very small percentage, this is true. 

But for most, their dream to write a book becomes an ongoing dream that they pull out once every 10-years, consider it for a few days and the get on with the life they have fallen into. 

Is there another way?

Can we find a way to jump-start your book writing so that you can finally realize the transition for unhappy employee to filthy rich, famous book writer?

Let’s look at the business of book publishing and writing a little differently for a moment.

There are Billions of dollars being spent on non-fiction ‘how to’, educational and training material and the authors writing these books often publish this material themselves selling direct to either business or consumers.

For example, you will find thousands of different ebooks and home study courses on directories like Clickbank that were written by people just like you or I.  They simply decided to tap into a huge wave of demand for topics like weight loss, fitness, nutrition, alternative health, business training, learning better public speaking, improving their looks, how they feel or help them achieve new goals in their lives. 

The topics are wide. 

You may not have considered writing and self-publishing your own information products, but take a moment a look at who is REALLY earning the fortune in the traditional and self-publishing marketplace. 

These are regular people who have researched markets, discovered rabid desire to attain a certain outcome on behalf of their market and then organized an ebook, book, report, course or membership site to satisfy that eager demand. 

The profits can be quite considerable.

Info products range from $17 ebooks where the author can make hundreds of sales each month and keep 95% of the profit to high-end home study courses or seminars that range into the tens of thousands. 

Of course, this is only useful to you if you can get a jump-start into book writing so you can begin moving your first info product within weeks. 

Within InfoMarketer’sZone is a 45-Day Info Product Profit System for moving from concept to profit in just 6-weeks. 

The first stages of that program are outlined here for your benefit.

3 Steps To Jump-Start Your Book Writing Profit Center

1. Decide on a market and collect questions.  It’s important to narrow your search for a  market down to a least 2-3 choices before taking the next steps.  Why?  The foundation of writing books in the area of training, teaching or ‘how to’ is understanding what questions people have in a given market and why they are asking them.  A big hint is that most questions are one step in the learning process toward achieving a greater outcome.  For example, your market may ask – ‘how many times per week should I exercise’.  Now the reason for that question is most likely linked to a desired outcome of either losing weight, looking better or feeling better – once you study the pattern of questions in your market you can figure out which it is and that becomes a critical part to your book writing business.

2. Launch website with 3-5 content pages and a blog to generate traffic. Once you have a solid picture of the questions your audience are asking, you will have a rough idea of the different interest keywords around which you should launch your initial website and blog.  You want this to begin driving traffic to your site, begin to build a following and even an email list by giving away a bonus incentive (a report or ebook) that will ‘warm up’ your audience for your new book writing project.

3. Outline for success.  A major part of writing a successful ‘how to’ info product is organizing the answers to various questions your market has into your unique solution – even though you may be packaging knowledge for many other sources including experts, research, your own experiences, public domain sources, and so on. 

Once you have a solid outline for your book writing project, you have the structure to guide you in making rapid and high quality progress, the jump-start you need to write a book in just weeks.