When you set out to write a book, you have goals – either explicitly written down or inside of your head – for what you want to achieve.
It may be that you want to write a book in 3-months, and so have daily or weekly writing goals based on this objective.
For others, you may simply have a daily goal of writing 2-pages figuring that will allow you to write a book in 4-6 months.
For our students within InfoMarketer’sZone, they often achieve timelines much more aggressive such as 1-2 months even though most of them have never written a book before and may have even shivered at the thought of writing anything longer than a love letter!
Achieving your goals when you write a book has more to do with sticking to a schedule, holding to your commitment to yourself and your writing goals than anything else.
If you have failed to meet your objectives for book writing – or any writing project for that matter – then you have either avoided setting daily objectives OR you have slipped and not kept those writing objectives.
Why is it so challenging to actually set and STICK to your writing goals?
One of the techniques we have learned and teach our students that really helps build your confidence and stick to your writing commitments is to outline your book in advance and then allow yourself to write freely each day avoiding editing AS you write, instead editing AFTER you write. It’s natural for us to write a sentence and then read it over and edit AS we write, but that is pure torture for most of us and it’s no wonder we get sick of writing after just a few days of putting ourselves through this sort of process.
Instead, set aside time for writing each day where you simply write what comes into your head – free flowing thoughts, ideas, experiences, and knowledge that you either already have or that has come from research.
If you know you can sit down and write freely instead of having to write perfectly, then you are much more likely to keep your commitment, you will actually look forward to writing daily and before you know it, your book, ebook or writing project will be ready to launch so you can begin to change lives and make a living from your infoproducts.
There are many other shortcuts too that can not only help you write faster, but help you target your writing to attract the MOST interest from your audience, capture the maximum profits and sell your products to a massive audience online – we offer these through our popular InfoMarketer’sZone site with a rapidly growing membership of highly successful online information publishers.