As more and more people figure out how simple it is to produce their own in-demand ebook, book, report or other information-based product right from their own home computer, the question of how to earn money with your ebook online comes up.

For instance, where do you publish your ebook?  Should you sell it from your own website or list it with an ebook reseller site?

How do you take payment and support partnership programs and affiliates?

What is the launch process you should use to build anticipation for your launch?

Questions like this get to the very heart of what it takes to turn an average or low selling ebook and turn it into a high-demand, top seller that will give you a solid information publishing platform from which to grow your online business.

Here is an article we’ve written outlining the 10 most important steps you need to follow to sell your own ebook online and make a living with information publishing:

"You Have an eBook, Now What?"

Let us know what your next step is on your journey to information publishing profits.
