We’re all searching high and low for the perfect business idea and topic for our ebook, book or information product in the non-fiction, information-based marketplace – and sometimes, you needn’t look any further than your local newspaper.

As I sat reading this morning’s Sunday paper, I came across an editorial about the growing number of children being raised with an almost unlimited amount of money available to them and the impact that has on their ability to manage money.

Today, kids are getting cellphones, personal computers, televisions, the latest Xbox360 or Nintendo Wii, $60-$100 Halloween costumes – their almost floating in a sea of priviledge, so where do they learn about the value of that money?

In fact, this has been a problem for some time.  Think about how many kids graduate highschool and go away to university where you quickly figure they don’t know the first thing about managing money. 

What is the best way to teach children about money?  Is it instruction, giving them an allowance, letting them make their own decisions, giving them a bigger budget?  How much empowerment do you shoot for – what happens when they run out of money through making bad decisions. 

Given that this is a growing problem and that money management is such a crucial part of existing in a society where access to credit has become insanely simple, and marketing to young people has become very common, this should strike you as a very powerful information product topic.  I may develop something myself in this area in the coming months, right now I’m too swamped with other projects. 

If you have a passion, interest or existing personal experience understanding the ways to teach your child about money and finances, then you may want to jump at this topic.  Similarly, if you have a strength for teaching and educating as well as a reasonable sense for things financial – you will do well with this topic.

For everyone else, keep reading your newspaper and ask yourself these questions…

1. What trend or trends is this article tapping into?

2. Which questions does this article or opinion piece try and answer?

3. Is this a topic that is growing and that I could offer some input?

Soon, you will have your own hot ebook or book topic and be well on your way to producing your own high-profit information products just like those over at InfoMarketer’sZone.
