write a bookI can’t think of 5 words that have the potential to change your life more dramatically, by writing your own book you can change the course of your professional and personal life forever.  Unfortunately, most of us will never have the courage to answer "yes" to this question leaving this earth without ever experiencing the satisfaction, independence and wealth of publishing your own information products.

People are hungry for knowledge, eager to learn that is for sure.  But what really makes people hungry for books, ebooks, reports, membership sites, and courses is information that will allow them to achieve their goals painlessly. 

In other words, the population has an immense desire for information to increase pleasure while reducing pain.

Increasing pleasure may mean…

  • Improving relationships
  • Improving themselves
  • Getting a promotion or new job
  • Achieving wealth
  • Gaining prestige of friends or family
  • Increase enjoyment of favorite pass-time or hobby
  • Improve your looks
  • Increase your ability to communicate or attract people
  • Many others…

Typical examples of pain that people want to avoid are…

  • Accomplish goals faster
  • Avoid work or embarrass
  • Lessen or avoid rejection
  • Reduce stress or fear
  • Being lonely
  • Disappointing children
  • Many others…

Now, ask yourself – do you have ANY experience, information or interest in helping a group of people gain pleasure or reduce pain?

Forget about specific markets or topics for a minute – if you really want to understand the basis of any successful information-based product such as books, courses, audios, videos, reports, etc… it all comes down to increasing pleasure while reducing pain. 

I recently saw a blog posting from a woman who had overcome a major bout of depression, being overweight and under-achieving to a point where she had reached her weight goals, recently run a half-marathon and achieved more in the last year of her life than she had the previous 37-combined – yet she asked the question "Should I Write A Book?"

Of course!

How many other people struggle with weight problems?

Do you know other people that would like to achieve a goal like running the half-marathon – or even just learn the benefits of running?

OK, what about people who arrive at middle-age and find themselves exactly in the position of this mother, directionless facing health challenges battling emotional low points facing a critical fork in the road point in their lives? 

Isn’t the answer obvious?  Absolutely, there is a book to be written here – probably a few books that would be hot sellers aimed directly at desperate buyers who struggle with exactly the same challenges this mother faced just over 1-year ago.

What about you?

What experiences, knowledge or information do you have that would be of benefit to someone who has yet to experience what you have? 

If you could sit down with someone that was 10-years younger than you, what sorts of things could you teach them that would make their life more pleasurable, improve their situation, or less painful?

I will argue that most anyone can discover at least one topic upon which to write your book now.


If that sounds like you – and you are ready to move beyond just a wish, dream or fantasy about writing your own top-selling book, then visit us at InfoMarkter’sZone where some of the most successful ebook, book and infoproduct publishers hang out.

Now you know the answer, "Should I write a Book?"

The answer, yes – all that’s left is to plan and get started. 
