strategic internet marketing gameThe most forgotten aspect of any business, online or off-line is strategy.  Regardless of whether you are taking an off-line business online or are simply looking to start your own online business, now is the time to look at strategic internet marketing. 

A major part of strategic internet marketing is being active in your market – are you in the game?

Here are 4 main strategic internet marketing areas where your success is highly dependent on you being actively involved with your market.

1. Researching your market.  A critical part of strategic internet marketing is the up-front preparation on what market to choose and how to enter that market.  Making a big splash in a market that is either too small, too unresponsive or too big will seriously limit your results.  Similarly, making a weak entry into a hot market will allow your competition to steamroll over you taking most of the sales and profits with them.  Being active in your market is the way you get an unfair advantage on much of your competition. Discovering desires, motivations for buying, product opportunities, unmet wants and needs and points of entry into your market will come naturally if you are involved with your market.  In some cases, this may mean launching trial sites, businesses and products to "pre-test" the waters prior to really making your splash.

In the Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package we share 40 different methods for developing information product ideas, testing them and then packaging information in the most profitable ways.

2. Product development.  Applying the fundamentals of strategic internet marketing will suggest you cannot be an outsider and create a high-powered product.  What often sets a killer product apart from weaker products are the little details that come from involvement, experience and knowledge within a given market. For instance, you can create entry-level products within most markets (say a $27 educational ebook on weight loss) and you will make some money for sure.  But…the really big return comes from "inside" or "experiental" information – either yours or someone you profile – that can then be sold for many times higher netting you big profits. 

3. Marketing.  Strategic internet marketing is based heavily on gaining market advantage through positioning yourself as unique, hitting the right emotional "buttons" in your prospects head and heart, establishing credibility and leveraging relationships.  If you review each of these carefully you will realize that each step along the way will be made more powerful by involvement in your market.

4. Building It BIG.  Now this is really exciting I’ve talked a great deal about both the online marketing and information marketing "ecosystem" approach to building your business in InfoMarketer’sZone.  In fact, this concept is the basis of all of our successful online businesses. 

Here’s the principle — by entering your market with a lead-in information product and setting your business up properly to receive feedback, you create an "ecosystem" of obtaining rapid, "insider" feedback from your market that you then turn into additional products and services.  Almost nobody is doing this properly.  Some businesses stumble upon some great feedback years after they get going, while others miss these opportunities over and over again. 

With the systems we outline over at InfoMarketer’sZone we talk about how to setup your business from the beginning expecting to tap into this flood of great ideas and demand with little extra effort and many huge strategic internet marketing advantages. 

Whatever you do – do not overlook strategic internet marketing and especially, the advantage you will gain by involving yourself with your market in the four major areas outlined above.