What can you do to sell more of your infoproducts – ebooks, books,
reports, videos, etc…?

Simple, make sure your title is effective.

You are positive people want your information, yet no matter
how hard you try, you can’t seem to tap into the flood of
demand with your infoproduct.

Happily, there is one simple, quick change you can make to
your product that can make a massive difference to your
results — improve your book title.

Your book title is often the ONLY advertisement that stands
between your bank account and your prospects wallet.

Here are 3 highly successful techniques for turning your mediocre
book titles into sizzling, red-hot, money-making titles…

Book Title Writing SECRET #1: Grab Their Attention

It often happens that book writers have great content, even great
sales letters and press releases, but their title is a dismal, limp
descriptive bore.

This is not the place to “save your best” marketing for the
press release.

You want your book title to reach out and grab the browser’s
attention instantly by being personal, controversial and knowing
exactly what is “front-of-mind” for your market.

Use strong words, action words, and controversy (within reason)
to capture your prospect’s attention.

To continue reading this article, find 2 more tips for writing
high-impact, profit-producing titles – read it here:

