You may think of vrial pdf’s, vrial reports and viral e-books as a marketing technique who had it’s day, and now you are on to bigger and better ideas – does that sound like you?

I’ll admit, creating viral written products is not the talk of the internet marketing forums, have lost a great deal of attention and have all but fallen off the radar screen, but does that mean they have stopped working?

Over two years ago I developed 5 special reports driving traffic back to and offered them as a critical tool to new partners, affiliates and to the online community at large.

Not only were these reports timely, armed with killer titles and well targeted at solving one specific problem (they ranged in size from 5 pages to 15-pages), but they contained strategically placed links back to various products within our and sites.

Within a few days of releasing the reports, our opt-ins and sales went crazy – the reports made their way into the hands of some very big list owners – suddenly I saw names signiing up to my affiliate program that I couldn’t have even dreamed would have joined if I had simply asked them.

But…little did I know that the sales I made within the first few months of releasing those reports were not the most rewarding result of releasing these viral marketing reports – instead, the sales I continued to make in December, January and will make well into 2007 really make me excited.

At the time of writing these viral marketing reports, I had no idea they would have such staying power. Now, it’s true, the opt-in’s and sales aren’t anywhere near where they were in the first few months, but a steady trickle come in from each report.

Now I ask myself…what if I had written 10 back in 2004 instead of just 5?

What if I had written a dozen last year, that trickle would now be a flood and it all would have been started by spending a few hours of time on each report.

I’m writing this to share with you the fact that writing viral marketing information products is NOT a dead technique — in fact, it will be a top priority for our growing business in 2007.

So, to share more about what we’ve learned about writing top quality viral reports, here’s the 5 Secrets that will make the most difference in the success of your viral marketing special reports.