What’s the quickest, least expensive way of getting some early sales for your own products (infoproducts, services or licensed products) online?

Well, you need traffic and you need a boost of credibility, but you have neither – at least to start.

So, what’s the secret?

Lead with partners, let them send you the traffic AND build your credibility up with a recommendation.

In internet marketing terms, we often call these people affiliates. 

You may have tried affiliate marketing yourself (on the other side of the relationship) where you promoted someone’s ebook, report, membership site, seminar or software – now you get to turn the tables and get hundreds of partners promoting YOUR product, NICE!!

But…hold it just a cottin, pickin minute!   How do you get them partners? 

Howdy Partner!

Good question…luckily you are about to read the method that we have used for years to tap into BIG name authority figures in different niche markets without any presence, credibility or “secret” contacts within a given market.

Let me first say, this system is outlined as part of the more broad 6-week InfoProfits Course inside InfoMarketer’sZone where we can share the entire process and templates we use with you, but let me outline the main process here.

To get affiliates, simple –

1. You make contact by either praising something about that person’s business, asking a question or buying something from them (yes, that works best and often doesn’t cost very much).  You can email them directly, go through their support site, or find them on social networks like Twitter or Facebook to find them. 

2. Next, you mention that you have an infoproduct nearly finished and would be humbled if they would take a few minutes and review a copy for you…get your product into their hands THEN, when you get a positive review from them, you put an offer in front of them.

3. Only when you get a favorable review from them do you put an offer to be “first-mover” affiliate in front of them.  Be flexible, in some cases, early on, I secured big name affiliates by offering to record interviews with them or create content that they could re-use – much better than just a mail-out, though they did that too. Be creative – offer them tools, content or a willingness to do something for them in return for their support taking your message to the market. 

4. Follow through quickly and help them bring your product to their market…then follow up with some other ideas so you get both short-term and longer term promotion from them.

This works folks, you can expect to see anywhere from 40-70% conversion of affiliates this way (in other words 4-7 in 10 will respond to you with both a review and committment to promote your product) and best of all, it’s painless.

 JV’s, affiliates are certainly one of the main pillars for selling your infoproducts – sure. I’m also a big fan of content creation, SEO and advertising (once you get your conversions into a good zone). These methods are also highly effective and profitable.

You will find step-by-step training and tools as well as first-hand support inside InfoMarketer’sZone to help you build your Information Marketing business bigger, faster.