Getting set to write your own book, have it all planned out and you’re ready to rock & roll?
Not so fast…makes sure you take a good look at these 3 realities of book writing that blow the mind of authors who are otherwise surprised.Â
1. You must spend as much (likely more) effort on marketing your book or ebook as you do writing it. Wait a minute, don’t publishers take care of marketing your book? Not at ALL!  Even more important is to understand that the book marketing game has changed significantly. Members of InfoMarketer’sZone are completely surprised by how they can build a huge platform using the internet in advance of their book launch by using mailing lists, blogs, social networks, article syndication and affiliate programs — only now are book writers starting to catch on to these stealth marketing techniques because they work so well, get great results and build a foundation of followers that you can market to again and again.
2. Alternatives to traditional publishing are abundant. Why wait months to get your book published, conform to rigourous publishing standards, take a pittance of money for each copy sold just to have the “priveledge” of having someone print your book? Times have changed, self-publishing is not only far more profitable, but can be done extremely quickly with full control and credit
3. Moving up the value chain. People who work through the roadmap within InfoMarketer’sZone soon see the incredible potential of moving from one-time, non-fiction books that earn them $1-$3 per copy sold toward a virtually unlimited world of information publishing where they can quickly launch a highly profitable line of information guides, ebooks, manuals, courses, subscription membership sites, teleseminars, webinars and the like. Instead of a part-time book writing hobby they are shocked to see they can create their own $Million information publishing business and get it rolling quickly.Â
Book writing and information marketing have changed…fortunately these changes favor you. All that’s required is that you take advantage of the timing to get your own information publishing project started now!