When you set out to write a non-fiction book designed to help, support or teach other people what you know (or what you have researched) we call that an information product.
Often these are How To type books, reports, video programs, membership sites and the like…they help their audience overcome frustrations and achieve what they desire.
That may be…
- Losing weight
- Feeling better
- Starting a business
- Overcome a health or medical condition
- Do better financially
- Become a better person
- And so on…
When you set out to write a book or produce an information product that you publish and ultimately market and sell yourself, there is often fear that it will take too long, not sell or that you simply do not have the skill or credibility to get it done.
Here is an example of a mother who took her life challenge – raising an Autistic child – and turned that into a top selling book.  Â
Two things stand out about this story…
1. When you put your mind to it, you can often write a highly useful and professional ebook or book in days – not weeks or months…that means you get your message out faster and you can begin to make sales and profits faster than you may have thought.  In the 45-Day InfoProfit Formula inside InfoMarketer’sZone.com you will find a complete Blueprint for finding markets and topics, getting your book or info product produced, pricing your products and all aspects of getting setup and doing business online. Basically, within 45-days you can go from start to a full-fledge, internet-based book marketing and info publishing business on the internet
2. Turning your life experiences, challenges and learnings into ebooks, books and info products is both fulfilling and a highly effective way to launch your own online business — not only are you helping others with what you learn and experience, but you put yourself in a position where you can continue to research, learn and grow your market – while you get paid very well for it.Â
Every day there are stories like this…of people who take knowledge, experience or passions that they have and quickly package information into an ebook, book or info product and start a lucrative new business online — how about you? Are you ready to publish your own signature info product and start a new line of profit on the internet?  Take a look at InfoMarketer’sZone.com where you’ll find the #1 community on the web for profit-producing information entrepreneurs.