"Jeff Smith's Infoproduct Publishers Secrets" Greetings everyone, welcome to another packed issue of Jeff Smith's Information Marketers Success Secrets.
ŠJeff Smith 2006
In today's issue you'll find:
* Amazon Sales Rank - What It Means For You?
* Replace Your Job In 2-3 Months?
* This Week's HOT InfoMarketing Buzz
* Social Networking Manifesto Released
* Turning Your Blog Into A Lethal Traffic Weapon
Jeff Smith http://www.highertrustmarketing.com
Even though most of us have visited Amazon atone point or another, I would guess that some 90% or more have never noticed one single field thatis very important for information product publishers.
It's called Amazon Sales Rank and it take the form of a number that rank orders a particularAmazon product relative to other related productson Amazon.
As infoproduct marketers, a major part of our planning, topic generation, testing and contentresearch (as outlined in http://www.infoproductcreator.com)is researchingexisting hot products.
By using Amazon sales rank, you can judge if a product is a good seller or not.
While the actual value of the number means less thanits range - you certainly can expect that a book ranking in the top 20,000 is a much better seller than a book that ranks 500,000.
There is no concise definition of how the Amazon salesrank is determined - but its widely reported that ittakes into account sales over time - so there is a built-in consideration for books that continue to sellover time - not just spike in the first week.
So where do you find the sales rank?
Under Editorial Reviews you will find a section calledProduct Details covering such information as Number ofPages, Publisher, ISBN, etc...
In this section, you will also find useful fields suchas Amazon Sales Rank and Average Customer Reviews - bothhelpful in terms of understanding the buying activityand demand surrounding products that may be in the samearea as your topic.
There is no better way to estimate the potential sales your idea will generate than looking at how similar products are performing.
There is so much hype out there that leads people to believe they can start their own business and within 3-months, they can walk away from their frustrating jobs.
Leaving the hype behind, there is only one way thatyou could possibly generate a full-time income online in a 2-3 month period when starting from scratch.
It involves tapping into a network of players alreadyactive in your market through your own partner network.
But why would heavyweights want to help you build yourbusiness when you are brand new?
In fact, it happens all the time - it happened with me. This is such an important topic for your businesswe spent some significant time this week writing aboutit on our blog - read it here now:
Things are really Buzzing over at the InfoMarketer's Zone private forum:http://www.infomarketerszone.com
Here's a few highlights:
...Bootstrapper filled us in on his secrets for earning $6500 in 3 months - in this same post he unveils that this is a "hobby" and not even his full-timejob!
...A discussion started by Chris led to several useful ideas for designing landing pages for infoproduct marketing businesses that is highly effective at capturingleads AND selling more of your products
...Announcements about two new audio interviews were announced - an interview about adding video products andmarketing techniques to your business and an exciting interview about generating massive traffic with social networking
...There was a great exchange of ideas about some exampleswe listed about top selling e-books in some pretty obscure niche markets
Each week the amount of valuable, insider information on this high quality, private infoproduct entrepreneur forumincreases - keeping it private has ensured only the most useful, productive and positive information is shared:
Hope you can join us in the coming weeks.
If you are like me, you've been fascinated at the massive,rapid growth of social networking sites such as Myspace.com,Flickr, YouTube.com and other user-generated content sites.
With the new release of Jason Dolman's Social Networking Manifesto this last week, its now clear that as individualinformation product marketers, we should all be starting to adopt some of these techniques to generatetraffic and sales in our own businesses
There are ways to use no-cost tools today to begin building an automated system where users flock to yoursites, help you generate content that attracts search engine traffic and continues to build word-of-mouthmarketing for your business.
Jason walks us through tools that we can use to add everything from blogs, chat software, file upload andsharing capabilties to your website with little or nocost today.
As a serious online marketer, this is important stuff!
After operating a blog using Movable Type software forover 1-year, I was already convinced that blogging wasa masterful part of online marketing -- because...
It draws search engine traffic like wildfire Your blog can create a relationship with your market like a newsletter, but is much simpler to format and is more effective now that most emails never make it through to your subscribers You benefit from user-generated content by allowing your readers to comment
Now, I had already tripled by traffic and sales using theMovable Type blog, but that was nothing like what happenedjust 4 weeks ago.
Moving to Wordpress (an open-source, no charge bloggingsoftware) along with the excellent front-end system over at Semiologic (http://www.highertrustmarketing.com/part/semiologic)has resulted in a whopping tripling of my traffic yet again,and I started noticing it within a few days of installingthe package.
If you are considering launching your own blog or alreadyhave your own Movable Type, Blogger or Wordpress blog, thencheck out Semiologic over at: Turning Your Own Blog Into Your Traffic Weapon
Oh, and feel free to drop by and see our newly formattedblog (setup in about 10-minutes by the way) over at:http://www.highertrustmarketing.com/blog/
Do you like what you read - then let us know by sending yourfeedback to: support@infoproductcreator.com
Have a Terrific Week!
Jeff Smith http://www.highertrustmarketing.com http://www.infoproductcreator.com http://www.create-e-mini.course.com http://www.creating-infoproducts.com
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