sell info product onlineWill this be the year that you come out with your own non-fiction, info product like an ebook or book?

I hope by now you have noticed that self publishing your own ebook or book is a key (if not THE key) to launching your new (or renewing) interest in you and your company.

Even more important, it offers you the extremely fundamental wealth attributes of:

  • Leverage:  Work once, get paid over and over again so you can scale
  • Income Assurance & Control Over Your Own Product:  Many people go broke betting their future on other people’s products or ad revenue
  • Sales Army: With your own product you will attract partners who will sell it for you
  • Credibility:  He who has a book or ebook on a topic is deemed the expert…look it up…
  • Profit: Done correctly, ebooks and books are incredible profitable products to sell online, honestly I have found nothing better
  • Quick With Low Barrier To Entry:  You can have your own top selling ebook or book producing profits online in 30-days or less – this site outlines our exact formula that we use to produce new ebooks and info products each month

Insider Secret…Are You A Transformation Agent?

I must warn you though that 99% of the ebooks, books and info products we see out there today completely miss the mark.


The wild demand that leads to frenzied buying and high profits comes from desire, and specifically from the desire for people for specific transformation.

What I mean by that is people with the most maniacal desire are those that are experiencing tremendous pain (physical, emotional, financial, relationship 0riented, etc…) OR that have a clear vision toward specific pleasure in their life (looking terrific, attracting the love of their life, being happy, looking good in front of their peers, attracting their kids back, getting out of debt, not having to worry about their next paycheck, living free of pain associated with emotional or physical challenges, being a rock star, etc…)

So many people ask me “what is the best niche for producing and selling info products”, what they really mean is how can they get rich selling tons of info products on autopilot…

I don’t deal so much in niches but extreme problems and extreme desires for transformation – specific transformation that are consistent across a given market segment.

We go into this in some detail inside The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package and that is why those who have worked through this step-by-step system have been so successful in getting it right with their very next project.

So to make a massive difference in your internet business selling your own high profit info products this year, think like a “transformation agent” and you will never look back