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"How To Capture A High Demand Niche With Your Own Infoproducts"
Here's an email I received last week from one of my subscribers.
He's about to start work on a new information product, has done
his research well - but still may have missed one very important
step - here's his question and my response.
Now I'll be the first to admit, there are not enough hours in the
day to answer every email I get - but this one caught my eye
because it shows he is serious about his business, is taking the
time to objectively look at his project and he is obviously
dedicated to making this business work.
I have ALL KINDS of time to spend with questions like this, because
I know in the end, the advice will help.
Here's his question...
"Jeff, just wanted to ask you a few simple questions. I know you are
an expert at this, so I thought I would ask one of the best. :)
I've found a niche that I an ebook might do well in. According
to Wordtracker, the main search term for this niche gets close
to 700 searches a day. I checked the Ad rates on Overture, and
most of the top ten bids are at least $1 or a bit more. I do
think this niche might be more popular in one part of the year,
so it will be seasonal I expect.
SO...to my question.
How do you market your ebook when the Adrates are so expensive?
Do you just look for smaller keywords and go for those?
Also, if I want to use articles as my main traffic source
(which may take some time), but I want to make sure my site
converts first, how should I go about it without spending a lot
in advertising?
I would really appreciate your thoughts on this Jeff. You have
always given me great info.
Take care,
(Subscribers Name Withheld)"
My Response - And An
Important WARNING!
First, there is one step you don't mention, just wanted to make
sure you have checked this. When you search out the top 10-20
sites in PPC advertising within this niche, are they marketing
information or some other form of service? This is important,
as there are many markets that are have high demand, but that
demand may not necessarily be for information. You can also
check Amazon sales rank on books that sell into your market to
get a feel for popularity. We talk more about using these
techniques and others to narrow down the exact demand for your
markets and topics in "The Ultimate Information Entrepreneurs
Success Package"
To answer your questions more directly - when ad rates are
expensive, I do the following:
1. Start an affiliate program and build an army of affiliates.
Short term, you can aggressively pursue jv partners by
contacting several direct, offering a complimentary review copy
of your book and a review (to start building testimonials which
you add to your page) Then you follow up with a jv offer to
them - if its a site or newsletter you feel is a good match.
2. Articles can get picked up quickly - so you can often start
seeing some traffic come in within days of posting articles -
assuming the article has a good angle or title and offers good
content. Aim to write one compelling article each week and
distribute it widely - gets you more traffic and more in the way
of link status for future SEO
3. Send out a Press Release - craft a PR piece that ties in
with a current event or special interest story and distribute it
via prweb or other online PR distribution agency.
4. Proactively list your affiliate program on affiliate
When I launched my first product, I generated most of my early
traffic via articles, joint ventures and some very selective
ezine advertising.
I would also recommend you setup a blog on your topic - that
allows you to cross link with other related blogs through
referencing posts they have made - sometimes they will then do
the same for you.
Use these techniques to get both short and long term traffic, then
focus on testing your pages to increase your conversion.
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