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"How I Painlessly Produced 3 Information Products In 7 Days"
Creating your own "How To" product to sell online may seem
like moving mountains...and to be very honest, my first
product WAS much more difficult than it had to be.
I ALMOST Gave Up On My Dream!
I did just about everything wrong you could think of...
1. I wrote what I wanted to, not what my market wanted to
2. I spent months agonizing over writing 200+ pages, in the
end we decided to completely re-write it, release it at 55
pages and sell it for 3X more than I first thought.
3. I was too descriptive and theoretical - people don't want
theory, they want experiences, concrete recommendations,
answers to their questions and stories.
4. It took me too long to listen to my initial reviewers and
really HEAR what they were saying - when I finally listened
it took less than a week to turn my product into something
far more valuable.
5. I didn't test my market, idea, title, product idea with my
prospective customers. When I did, I had a constant FLOOD of
input - enough to write 3 more information products that were
in INSTANT demand.
I could list a few other mistakes, but you get the idea.
Thanks To Some Great Information,
Everything Changed...
When I say everything, I mean NOT just career, but my health
improved, I had more energy, better relationships, more enjoyment
of family and my kids, not to mention the financial advantages (let's
just say I had to explore account options for high earners to reduce
the check cashing fees I was seeing.)
The formula that YOU can use to create their own profit-producing
information products is...
Quickly identify hot niche markets that WANT to buy information
Test actual prospective buyers fast and at tiny or no cost
Get your first product out fast...start earning dough fast
Systematically role out more, and higher priced products to your market
Still maintain a full-time or part-time job, family and life while you build your infoproduct publishing empire
Make sure that motivation, enthusiasm, success and achievement are built INTO the system so your business continues to grow while you have more and more fun
There's lots more detail about this powerful formula here...http://www.infoproductcreator.com
But wait, I almost forgot to tell you what the 3 products I
developed in less than 7 days are:
1. An Infoproduct Creator's Checklist - An 8-page step-by-step
checklist that anyone can use to create their own information
product business from A-Z. I've added it as a high-end bonus to
my Creating Infoproducts Recorded Seminar Package over at:
You can do the same for ANY market. People are looking for
checklists, cheat sheets, shortcuts, system, formulas, summaries,
worklists in almost anything they do.
2. I recoreded a 1-hour interview with one of the world's leading
authorities on Freelance Writing - she has just released a new
book called Six Figure Freelancing, stay tuned for the interview
3. I co-wrote (with some assistance from a ghostwriter) a mini-ebook
on the benefits of Yoga to high achievers. This is very much a test
product in a market that I just recently entered. From initial idea
through final writing - 6.5 days. I'll have it up for sale very
Folks, this is NOT tough stuff IF you follow a few very simple, yet
highly powerful principles.
It's all outlined for you in the information provided here:
P.S. Over 90% of people I've consulted and met with mess this up and
end up giving up on their dream. I hate to see people underachieve,
stay stressed out, unhappy and broke - that's why I took the time to
document this system. Take a look, and you'll notice what many others
have said about this infoproduct creation system:
40 Proven Techniques For Finding Hot Topics To Write About
Book writing secrets revealed! You REALLY can write a book- your own income-generating eBooks, special reports,
courses, seminars, audios or videos. Discover how to find subjects that
have hungry markets right now!
Write A Book On Anything...In 14 Days Or Less!
This system turned by book writing project into reality in hours,
it can do the same for you. With over 10-years of writing
experience, Steve Manning now brings you the TRUTH about how
easy it really can be to write a book in NO TIME.
Hurry, for a limited time, you can subscribe to his free
e-course on writing a book in 14-days or less.
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